1952: Establishing the Stations

While Raymond Denis'' team stomps around Saskatchewan raising funds, Dumont Lepage supervises the construction of the two stations which he'll manage. In Gravelbourg, the studios are set up in an existing building on the main street. Roland Pinsonneault donates a plot of land for building the transmitter. Fernand Ipersell Alexander Galouchko is the engineer responsible for setting up the 250 watt transmitter and the CFRG studios. A big challenge awaits him on his arrival in Gravelbourg (audio).
Mr. Lepage is supported in his work by Antonio de Margerie, who looks after the hiring and training of CFNS staff. Fernand Ipersell, one of his recruits, tells us about the problems finding competent staff (audio). The opening of the stations is planned for the summer of 1952. It will go ahead for CFRG, which opens on June 1st. A shortage of skilled workers delays the first crackling on the air waves by CFNS to November 6th.
Plan du rez-de-chaussée de CFRG Plan of the main floor of CFRG

Photo de l'édifice de CFRG Photo of the CFRG building

Photo de l?entrée principale de CFNS Photo of the main entrance of CFNS