In June 1st, 1952, it's party time at Gravelbourg for the first broadcast of CFRG, whose initials are linked to the words
Crois (Believe),
Façonne (Shape),
Rayonne (Shine forth) and
Garde (Preserve).
This reflects the mission of the French radio, to protect the language and faith of the Francophones in the province. Included in the program is a mass during which Maurice Baudoux gives a sermon closely connecting language and religion (
audio). Later on, there are official speeches at Collège Mathieu. Antoine de Margerie is spokesman for the ACFC, the organization which was there at the beginning for the French stations in the West (
audio). CFNS opens on November 30 the same year. On that day, Bishop Klein, of the Diocese of Saskatoon, expresses the hope that this radio station will contribute to a greater understanding among the different ethnic groups in the West.
Archives: opening of CFRG and CFNSOpening of CFRG, June 1st, 1952
Opening ceremonies for station CFRG at Collège Mathieu in Gravelbourg. The college choir sings the national royal anthem.
Dr. Rosario Morin, president of Radio Gravelbourg, delivers his address of welcome.
Mr. Antonio de Margerie gives a speech on the history of French radio in western Canada, June 1st, 1952.
Opening ceremonies for station CFRG at Collège Mathieu in Gravelbourg. Continuation of Antonio de Margerie's speech on the history of French radio in the Canadian West. A girls' choir from the convent in Laflèche sings “
J'ai tant dansé, j'ai tant sauté” (I jumped and danced so much) and “
Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser” (Oh! If only my monk would dance). Dr. Beauchemin, president of Radio-Ouest-Française, gives the perspective of his organization on CFRG, June 1st, 1952, Saskatchewan Archives, 30 min., R-8590
Speech given at the opening of CFNS.
National anthem and speech of the president of CFNS, Maurice Demay.
Speech given by Dumont Lepage
Speech by Francis Klein, Bishop of the Diocese of Saskatoon.
Excerpt from a broadcast by station CKOM at the opening of CFNS (special broadcast CKOM).
Message from Father Adrien Verrette, president of the Comité de la survivance française en Amérique, read by the duty announcer on November 30, 1952.
Speech by Adrien Pouliot.
The consul of France in Winnipeg, Count Serge de Fleury, takes advantage of the opportunity to decorate Antonio de Margerie with the Foreign Affairs Medal on behalf of the French government. Presentation of the medal and thanks by Antonio de Margerie.
Speech by Maurice Baudoux at the opening of CFNS.
Interview with Dumont Lepage. He recalls the opening of CFRG.
Commemorative album on the opening of CFRG Photo of the opening of CFNS in 1952 |
Photo of Bishop Baudoux blessing the CFNS studios in 1952 |