le Patriote de l'Ouest 27 May 1936
Article from Le Patriot de l'Ouest about an entirely francophone station.
Main programs on CBC-Radio, 31 October 1939
A table synopsis of the main programs on Radio-Canada airwaves.
The Watrous station, 29 July 1939
An article from Saskatoon Star-Phoenix describing the new radio station in Watrous -- it's the most modern in North America
Manifesto ANO, 27 February 1940
Manifesto of the Associations nationales de l'Ouest
The Radio; a projected overview, 28 February 1940
Radio and the war -- radio and the elections -- radio and the financiers
Cutting from la Survivance
(La radio: Quelques aperçu et leurs conséquences)
Clippings from la Survivance, May 1940
'We aren't letting this one go', from la Survivance, 22 May 1940
'The importance of french on the radio for French-Canadians of the West', by ANO, to be published 27 May 1940
'An English opinion on Radio-Canada', from la Survivance, 29 May 1940
(Nous ne démordrons pas', 'La suprême importance du français à la radio pour les Canadiens-Français de l'Ouest', 'Opinion anglaise sur Radio-Canada')
'From the Files: Radio-Canada and the West', 25 September 1940
Letters to the editor, from la Survivance.
A Comparative chart, 25 September 1940
English airtime minutes against French airtime minutes in a normal week.
From la Survivance.
Confidential document by Abbot Maurice Baudoux, 27 September 1940
Pertaining to interviews with Messieurs Morin, Frignon and Dupont in Montreal in September 1940.
A report by Maurice Baudoux about his discussion with Emile Couture, in Winnipeg, 30 June 1941
A letter from Mr Emile Couture to Abbot Maurice Baudoux, 18 june 1940
Estimate from the Marconi tower obtained by Mr. Couture, 30 june 1940
Itinerary for the meeting of Radio-Ouest Francaise on 28, 29, and 30 January 1944
'The sale of shares in the west' ('La souscription dans l'Ouest'), 7 October 1944
A catalogue of the campagne to sell shares in the west, which was officially launched July 16 following the decision made at Saint-Boniface on 4 July.
'What will you hear with 'frequency modulation'?', 31 August 1945
Mr. Lucien L'Allier, regional engineer of Radio-Canada explains the new system -- The First Taste -- Improved service in urban centers.
(Qu'entendez-vous par 'modulation de frequence
M. Lucien L'allier, ingenieur regional de Radio-Canada, explique ce qu'est le nouveau systeme -- Les premieres experience -- Meilleur service dans les centres urbaines)
Documents from Radio-Saskatchewan, 20 September 1945
By Dumont Lepage
The Catechism of Radio-Ouest Francaise, part 1
The Catechism of Radio-Ouest Francaise, part 2
Text of 'Memoire Fallow', 22 October 1947
A memoire presented to the Bureau of Governors of 'Societe Radio-Canada' expressing opposition to the request for francophone radio in Alberta.
Response to 'Memoire Fallow on french radio', 22 October 1947
The second official publication from ACFC about radio.
From la Survivance.
Report for Radio-Saskatchewan according to Abbot Baudoux, 17 October 1949
(Rapport de Radio-Saskatchewan de la part de Mgr Baudoux)
'This shouldn't be a problem', 8 January 1951
Radio-Canada and the French-Canadians of Saskatchewan
Clipping from le Devoir.
(Chose ne devrait faire aucune difficulté)
Document from the Inauguration of the CFRG, 1952
Article from Le Patriot de l'Ouest about an entirely francophone station.
![]() | Map of Saskatoon illustrating the stations serviced by CFNS. |
A table synopsis of the main programs on Radio-Canada airwaves.
The Watrous station, 29 July 1939
An article from Saskatoon Star-Phoenix describing the new radio station in Watrous -- it's the most modern in North America
![]() | 'False Alarm', 19 June 1940 Clipping from la Survivance ('Faux-fuyant') |
Manifesto of the Associations nationales de l'Ouest
The Radio; a projected overview, 28 February 1940
Radio and the war -- radio and the elections -- radio and the financiers
Cutting from la Survivance
(La radio: Quelques aperçu et leurs conséquences)
Clippings from la Survivance, May 1940
'We aren't letting this one go', from la Survivance, 22 May 1940
'The importance of french on the radio for French-Canadians of the West', by ANO, to be published 27 May 1940
'An English opinion on Radio-Canada', from la Survivance, 29 May 1940
(Nous ne démordrons pas', 'La suprême importance du français à la radio pour les Canadiens-Français de l'Ouest', 'Opinion anglaise sur Radio-Canada')
'From the Files: Radio-Canada and the West', 25 September 1940
Letters to the editor, from la Survivance.
A Comparative chart, 25 September 1940
English airtime minutes against French airtime minutes in a normal week.
From la Survivance.
Confidential document by Abbot Maurice Baudoux, 27 September 1940
Pertaining to interviews with Messieurs Morin, Frignon and Dupont in Montreal in September 1940.
A report by Maurice Baudoux about his discussion with Emile Couture, in Winnipeg, 30 June 1941
A letter from Mr Emile Couture to Abbot Maurice Baudoux, 18 june 1940
Estimate from the Marconi tower obtained by Mr. Couture, 30 june 1940
Itinerary for the meeting of Radio-Ouest Francaise on 28, 29, and 30 January 1944
'The sale of shares in the west' ('La souscription dans l'Ouest'), 7 October 1944
A catalogue of the campagne to sell shares in the west, which was officially launched July 16 following the decision made at Saint-Boniface on 4 July.
'What will you hear with 'frequency modulation'?', 31 August 1945
Mr. Lucien L'Allier, regional engineer of Radio-Canada explains the new system -- The First Taste -- Improved service in urban centers.
(Qu'entendez-vous par 'modulation de frequence
M. Lucien L'allier, ingenieur regional de Radio-Canada, explique ce qu'est le nouveau systeme -- Les premieres experience -- Meilleur service dans les centres urbaines)
Documents from Radio-Saskatchewan, 20 September 1945
By Dumont Lepage
The Catechism of Radio-Ouest Francaise, part 1
The Catechism of Radio-Ouest Francaise, part 2
'Radio-Ouest Francaise', 16 October 1940 An article from the Canada-Americain. |
A memoire presented to the Bureau of Governors of 'Societe Radio-Canada' expressing opposition to the request for francophone radio in Alberta.
Response to 'Memoire Fallow on french radio', 22 October 1947
The second official publication from ACFC about radio.
From la Survivance.
Report for Radio-Saskatchewan according to Abbot Baudoux, 17 October 1949
(Rapport de Radio-Saskatchewan de la part de Mgr Baudoux)
'This shouldn't be a problem', 8 January 1951
Radio-Canada and the French-Canadians of Saskatchewan
Clipping from le Devoir.
(Chose ne devrait faire aucune difficulté)
Document from the Inauguration of the CFRG, 1952
Radio-Canada programs at CBK Watrous, 16 October 1940 Clipping from the Patriote. (Émissions de Radio-Canada à CBK Watrous) |
'French-Canadian announcer at Watrous', November 1940 'Mr. Jean-Francois Pelletier arrived in Watrous from Ottawa the 6 November. This is indeed big news.' (L'annonceur canadien-français de Watrous 'Monsieur Jean-Francois Pelletier est arrive d'Ottawa a Watrous le 6 novembre. C'est la un evenement d'importance.') |
'Not enough french on western radio', 30 November 1940 Mr. Walter Tucker, Liberal MP of Rasthern, says in a speech in commons. (Pas assez de français à la radio dans l'Ouest) |
'If Radio-Canada wanted to...', 20 February 1941 '...they could quite reasonably improve the situation of french on national radio, without spending a penny and infact saving a substantial portion.' (Si la Société Radio-Canada voulait...) |
![]() | 'The desicion to be made Monday will be in favor of our compatriotes', 24 January 1948 The governors of Radio-Canada took the request under consideration -- Justice will prevail -- The preposterous proposals of a representative of the Baptist Union. Pulled from le Devoir (La décision qui serait rendu lundi serait favorable à nos compatriotes', Les gouverneurs de Radio-Canada ont pris la requete en delibere - La justice l'emportera - Les propos imbeciles d'un representant de la 'Baptist Union'.) |
French Radio Stations in Saskatchewan, 8 January 1951 Clipped from Canada (Des postes de radio française en Saskatchewan) |
'No opposition to French stations', 13 January 1951 'Not a single voice speaks out against the demand for liscenses in Gravelbourg and Saskatoon -- Favourable support is clearly expressed.' From the Press. ('Auncune opposition a des postes francaise' Pas une seule voix ne s'eleve contre les demandes pour des permis a Gravelbourg et a Saskatoon -- Appui favorable nettement exprimee.) |
Blueprints for the mainfloor of CFRG |
Uncle Roger |
![]() | Logo for Radio-Saskatchewan |