
Antonio de Margerie, 11 March 1937

Addressing the SRC about broadcasting.

Berthe Baril

Talking about the french programming on the national broadcast network.

Manifesto by Associations Nationals de l'Ouest

The provincial associations of the prairies incite their compatriotes to write to the SRC.

Jean-François Pelletier

arrives from Ottawa. He is the first bilingual announcer at Radio Watrous.

Excerpt from Une homme et sont pêché

Radio-Ouest Française and the national subscription campaign of 1944/45

Raymond Denis tells Abbot Maurice Baudoux about his arguments and discussions.

Radio-Ouest Française and the national subscription campaign of 1944/45

Maurice Baudoux recalls the conception of Radio Ouest Française.

Radio Ouest Française against private stations in the west

Antonio de Margerie explains how Radio Ouest Française became the catalyst for the construction of private radio stations in the west.

Baudoux and Margerie and 'the Catechism of R.O.F.'

Maurice Baudoux and Antonio de Margerie work together to create The Catechism of Radio Ouest Française.

Opposition to private french postes

Adrien Pouliot talks about the opposition of his colleagues to private french radio stations.

Benoit de Margerie gives us an idea of what the staff was like.

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux

Maurice Demay

tells how the staff was destabalized by his departure.

Paul-Émile Gosselin

Roland Pinsonneault recalls the second campaign.

Bishop Ducharme

The recruitment of auxilary parishes

Roland Pinsonneault talks about the recruitment of auxilary parishes in each region (North and South) and how he influenced the perception of the donors.

Maurice Baudoux remembers that its not the rich who gave the most.

A great challenge awaits Alexandre Galouchko upon his arrival in Gravelbourg.

The Search for Staff

Fernand Ipserell explains the difficulty had in finding competent staff.

Maurice Baudoux presents a sermon in which he connects language and religion

Antonio de Margerie is the spokesman for the ACFC.

Radio in the west and the SRC

Rosario Morin explains the agreement between western radio stations and the Societe-Radio Canada.

Raymond Marcotte is the leader in the talks that dured for a year.

Raymond Marcotte and the Fondation de la radio en Saskatchewan

He tells that the leaders of the two postes decided to establish the Fondation de la radio en Saskatchewan with the revenues from the sale of the equipement.

The reaction of the Fransaskoise

Some people felt that with the sale of their radio stations, they were losing a part of their identity.

An excerpt of a current events program on which Marinne Kendergi was a collaborator.

Western music

Marcel Moor talks about the popularity of western music programs.

The quality of the local programs

Bishop Roger Ducharme talks about the quality of the local programs on the station.

The Monitoring Committee

Bishop Roger Ducharme clarifies the role of the Monitoring Committee, long considered a Censorhip Committee.

Guy Pariseau and the Monitoring Committee

Guy Parizeau talks about an artiste that the the Committee didn't want on the air.

The Censors

Guy Parizeau recalls an incident wherein the censors intervened.


Jeanne Beauregarde explains that the directorship resorted to piracy of some programs from national networks.

Jaques Landry and Au fil de l'heure

Jaques Landry talks about one of the most popular programs, Au fil de l'heure.

The programming in the begining

Alexandre Galouchko talks about the programming in the earliest days of the station.

The most popular programs

Carignan and Chabot talk about which programs resounded most with the public.

The level of french in Saskatchewan

Fernand Ipersell remembers the difficult task of finding people in Saskatchewan with an adequate level of french for media work.

The house of the CFRG

Alexandre Galouchko talks about the atmosphere amongst the members of the CFRG in the begining.

Michel Gariépy mentions the multitasking that the employees had to do.

The employees

It should also be noted that they were content with their modest wages.

Raymond Marcotte pays hommage to Marie-Antoinette Papen

English radio

Fernand Ipsersel explains the problem that the Francophone community discovered -- they were used to listening to radio in english!

The solidarity of the staff

Jeanne Beauregarde relates an anecdote that illustrates the solidarity of the employees of the radio during the hardest of times.

Rosario Morin mentions topics discussed during meetings.

Administrative Council

Odette Carignan talks about the role of the Administrative Council, of which she was a member.

Marivonne Kendergi talks about Dumont Lepage

Jeanne Beauregarde discussed Dumont Lepage and financial problemes in the station.

Raymond Chabot explains the financial strategies of the station.

Official Inauguration of the CFNS

Bishop Francis Klein gives a speech upon the realisation of a dream - there is a french radio station in Saskatoon.

Official Inauguration of the CFNS

National Anthem and a speech presented by Maurice Demay, president of the CFNS.

Official Inauguration of the CFNS

Speech by Dumont Lepage.


Special program of the CKOM; Story Lady with Janine Lagare.

Official Inauguration of the CFNS

A message from Abbot Adrien Verret.

Official Inauguration of the CFNS

A speech from Adrien Pouliot.

Speech by Maurice Baudoux from the Inauguration of the CFNS.

Part 1.

Speech by Maurice Baudoux from the Inaguration of the CFNS

Part 2

Speech by Maurice Baudoux from the Inauguration of the CFNS

Part 3

Official Inauguration of the CFRG

Dumont Lepage recalls the earliest days of french radio in the west.

Jean-Jules Trudeau

He explains the reasons Radio-Canada gave for the installation in Saskatoon and Gravelbourg.

Montage of excerpts from the CFRG by Francis Marchildon

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 1 - Introduction

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 2 - Sun Rise with Marcel Moor; 25th anniversary of the foundation of the diocese of Gravelbourg.

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 3 - Daily meditation

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 4 - Enriching Our Vocabulary

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 5 - Comments from Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 6 - Chronicles of Hervé Mildew

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 7 - Sports Update

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 8 - The Feminin Panorama

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 9 - Two Hearts, One Waltz

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 10 - Memories of the CFRG

An Hour in the Past from the CFRG tower, circa 1955

Part 11 - Conclusion

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 1 - CFRG theme around 1955

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 2 - Excerpt from a speech given in 1962 by the Prime Minister Ross Thatcher, at College Mathieu in Gravelbourg

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 3 - Towards a Better French

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 4: A show during Christmas 1967 allows the director of the CFRG, Dumont Lepage, to offer his good wishes and congratulations to the host, Benoit Parizeau.

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 5 - A live radio program, Fete au village, produced in Gravelbourg and hosted by Gilles Vigneault and Raymond Laplante.

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 6 - A broadcast of Fete au village recorded in Regina in 1961 and hosted by Roland Lelièvre.

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 7 - Marc Nogue, of the CFRG, hosted a program called Retrouvailles. This episode is about his hometown, McCord.

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 8 - An interview conducted in 1967 by a pioneer from Gravelbourg, Louis Braconnier.

The Golden Years Before 1973

Part 9 - Remembrances and influences of the CFRG; François Bertrand and A Man and his Sin (Un homme et son péché)

The Length of an Hour

Last broadcast of The Length of an Hour (Au fil de l'heure) with Marie-Antoinette Papen. A women's program, it introduced issues of modern feminism, the role of women and marriage, trial marriages and new trends in conjoint lifestyles.

Part 1 - A Woman's Calling

The Length of an Hour

Part 2 - Marriage: Does practice make perfect?
The question of trial marriages.

The Length of an Hour

Part 3 - Thank yous and Farewells

Excerpt from A Man and his Sin

Adapted from the novel by Claude Henri Grignon

Theme of the CFNS

Kiddie Corner on the airwaves

Roger Gauthier talks about the program Uncle Roger

Kiddie Corner on the airwaves

Roger Lavallée took over for Roger Gauthier in 1967 with the program Kiddie Corner.

The importance of imformation

Marcel Moor talks about his career as a radio announcer with the CFRG

Marcel Moor and his memories of CFRG

Guy Parizeau, former personality of the CFRG

Jacques Landry and his career in Saskatoon

Pierre Jomphe at CFNS, between 1965 and 1968

Pioneers of french radio in Saskatchewan

An interview with Roger Lavallée and Marie-Antoinette Papen.

Part 1 - The Youth

Pioneers of french radio in Saskatchewan

Part 2 - The years before the CFRG

Pioneers of french radio in Saskatchewan

Part 3 - CFRG

Pioneers of french radio in Saskatchewan

Part 4 - Retirement

Dumont Lepage and power play in 1956.

Speech by Maurice Baudoux, 14 October 1956

40th Anniversary - Albert Dubé

Interview with Albert Dubé; the value of french radio to Francophone people of Saskatchewan.

Bishop René Bérube

René Bérube explains what he did at CFRG during his twelve years there.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

First part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Second part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Third part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Fourth part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Fifth part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Sixth part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Seventh part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Eigth part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Ninth part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Tenth part of the complete broadcast.

Carrefour Nord-Sud; New building

Eleventh part of the complete broadcast.

Antonio de Margerie is given a medal

for his work for the radio, the french language and the Catholic Franco-Canadian Association.

Hèrvé Poilièvre on Mgr Baudoux

M. Poilièvre talks about his memories of Bishop Baudoux.

Tribute to Maurice Baudoux

A biography, recollections and a tribute by fire.

Irène Chabot and Abbot Ducharme

An interview in which they talk about their memories of the infancy of french radio in Saskatchewan.

Un chanson: Les pionniers

Odette et Gaston Carignan reminisce

They talk about their memories of the birth of french radio.

Raymond Marcotte on Maurice Baudoux

Mr Marcotte explains how Mr Baudoux influenced him.

Raymond Marcotte

The story of the sale of the private french stations of Saskatchewan.

Roland Pinsonneault

An interview with Roland Pinsonneault.

Suzanne Papen

The daughter of Marie-Antoinette and Charles Papen, se recalls the first days of french radio in Saskatoon.

Émile Campagne, french radio and Bishop Ducharme