
Suggestion for the establishment of a french Catholique radio station.

'We could call the post 'The Voice of the Sacred Heart''

('La postes pourrait s'appeler 'La voix du Sacre Coeur'')

Maurice Goulet to Antonio de Margerie, 2 February 1930

Maurice Goulet to Antonio de Margerie, 19 December 1929

Antonio de Margerie to Thomas Maher, 25 February 1933

J.H. Daignault to Hector Charlesworth, 27 March 1933

Excerpt from the report of Bishop Maurice Baudoux, 17 May 1937

Written following a visit to the governors of Société Radio-Canada in Regina, Monday 17 May, 1937.

Abbot Maurice Baudoux to Gladstone Murray, 7 July 1939

Bishop Maurice Baudoux to Augustin Frigon, 31 January 1940

Press release 'Dotting the i's', fourth part, 26 March 1941


(Mettons les points sur les i)

Antonio de Margerie to Adrien Pouliot, 20 December 1943

Report from J.-E. Michaud to Bishop Maurice Baudoux, 25 February 1944

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 16 March 1944

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 11 May 1944

Raymond Denis to Prime Minister Patterson of Saskatchewan, 16 May 1944

Bishop Maurice Baudoux to Raymond Denis, 20 May 1944

Maurice Baudoux to Adrien Pouliot, 2 June 1944

Maurice Baudoux to Raymond Denis, 17 November 1944

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 26 January 1945

Abbot Paul-Emile Gosselin to Maurice Baudoux, 1 February 1945

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 21 February 1945

Maurice Baudoux to Raymond Denis, 27 February 1945

Raymond Denis to Abbot Maurice Baudoux, 20 March 1946

Abbot Maurice Baudoux to Raymond Denis, 25 March 1946

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 10 December 1946

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 21 February 1947

Maurice Baudoux to Adrien Pouliot, 25 February 1947

Maurice Baudoux to Raymond Denis, 24 May 1947

Raymond Denis to Bishop Maurice Baudoux, 12 November 1947

Bishop Maurice Baudoux to Raymond Denis, 8 February 1948

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 10 March 1948

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 15 March 1948

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 17 January 1949

Raymond Denis to Fernand Doyon, 22 March 1949

Fernand Doyon to Raymond Denis, 28 March 1949

Raymond Denis to Fernand Doyon, 26 April 1949

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 15 November 1949

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 12 October 1950

Antonio de Margerie to Raymond Denis, 7 February 1951

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 15 February 1951

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 26 February 1951

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 28 February 1951

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 2 April 1951

Antonio de Margerie to Raymond Denis, 4 April 1951

Antonio de Margerie to Raymond Denis, 9 April 1951

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 12 April 1951

Raymond Denis to Antonio de Margerie, 24 April 1951

A report by Charles Papen

A report to the administration of Radio-Prairie-Nord, of which Charles Papen was director. 3 September 1956.

Joseph-Eldège Morrier to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries in Ottawa, 20 April 1927

Secretary-treasurer of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries in Ottawa to Mr. Morrier, 14 May 1927

P.J. d'Adoust, manager of CJRM Moose Jaw, to Emmanuel Lemire of Coderre, 5 December 1931

Emmanuel Lemire to Antonio de Margerie, 14 January 1932

Antonio de Margerie to Hector Charlesworth, 17 April 1933

Antonio de Margerie to the SRC/CBC, 11 March 1937

Augustin Frigon to Abbot Maurice Baudoux, 13 July 1939

Augustin Frignon, deputy General-Director of Radio-Canada, to Bishop Maurice Baudoux, 12 January 1940

Abbot Maurice Baudoux to Abbot Paul-Émile Gosselin, 27 March 1940

Adrien Pouliot to Antonio de Margerie, 7 January 1944

Adrien Pouliot to Mgr Cabana, Archbishop of St. Boniface, 29 February 1944

Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 5 June 1944

Maurice Baudoux to the members of the Organisation Committee of the North of the Province, 3 February 1945

Maurice Baudoux to Paul-Émile Gosselin of the Committee for the Survival of French in America, 23 February 1946

Dumont Lepage to Antonio de Margerie, 29 March 1947
Raymond Denis to Maurice Baudoux, 6 June 1947